Laurie Wintonock/JI 365 Elite Coaching
Jesse Itzler’s one-of-a-kind “Life Optimization Mastermind Program” is an exclusive coaching/mastermind program created for a select group of highly motivated individuals who want to work side-by-side with Jesse and his hand-picked coaches and mentors to acquire the tools necessary to take their year to the next level through planning, adventure, and experience. Program members will learn to use the same planning system that Jesse and his family use to get the most out of their year. At the end of the year, you will accomplish one year-defining event, six mini-adventures, add multiple new winning habits, crush goals in the 4 most important areas of your life and spend more time doing the things you love to do, with the people you love to do them with. This program is literally your 12-month roadmap for maintaining balance in business, mindset, relationships, health, and wellness.
CLICK HERE to watch the video of this episode.