Anita Davis/Business2Banker Connection
Business2Banker Connection is a funding strategy consulting firm. They Educate | Rehabilitate | Navigate & Matchmake clients into safe funding solutions with safe partners. Using twenty plus years in banking and lending experience the firm knows the Inside Scoop on Funding options and resources.
Anita Davis has said too many companies are declined for Access to Capital because they simply don’t understand how to properly position themselves for a funding solution. The second reasons they are not successful is they don’t realize that every source has different risk criteria. There needs to be a match between the customer and the source.
Melanie Brown/Seacoast Commerce Bank
Seacoast Commerce Bank is a $1 Billion-dollar boutique National SBA lending institution out of San Diego CA. The company is currently #15 out of 3,000 participating SBA lending banks in the US funding over $276 million as of FYE 2017 and is on track to exceed that amount in 2018. They have loan officers in multiple states across the country and Melanie Brown is the first hire east of the Mississippi River, having joined the bank in September 2018.