John Schweizer/GDP Technologies
With a consistent client commitment for 39 years, GDP Technologies started delivering office automation to its clients in 1977 as Georgia Duplicating Products. Since its inception, GDP has focused on empowering its Georgia workforce with the ability to increase client Gross Domestic Product, their real output, one client at a time. GDP was acquired by Global Imaging Systems, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Xerox Corporation, in 2010 and continues to fulfill its mission of unparalleled customer service.
While the portfolio of offerings has exploded since the acquisition, GDP has continually developed its tenured Georgia workforce and expanded their presence throughout Georgia. The expanded offering led to a re-branding opportunity in 2014, retiring the Georgia Duplicating Products legacy to make way for a more robust organization with a more appropriate name, GDP Technologies. The exclusive GDP 360 Workflow Assessment and associated tool sets allow experienced GDP professionals to carefully evaluate your IT, business processes and document workflow and not only recommend improvements, but document and implement previously elusive efficiencies.
Six years after joining the Global Imaging/Xerox families of companies, all of the GDP decisions are still indigenous to their Georgia roots. GDP boasts the financial security, advanced technology, and sophisticated processes of their parent company and purposely overlays 100% autonomous and local decision-making. Their employee-centric approach towards client satisfaction encourages each employee to use their vast resources and hometown knowledge and act for the benefit of client and community.