BRX Pro Tip: Why a Start Up Should Have a Show Transcript
Stone Payton: [00:00:01] And we are back. Stone Payton and Lee Kantor here with you for BRX Pro Tips. Lee, lots of reasons for any number of professional services folks out there in the marketplace to seriously consider underwriting and possibly hosting a Business RadioX show, but why should a startup have a Business RadioX show?
Lee Kantor: [00:00:22] One of the things that startups should be doing is customer discovery. And there’s no better way to—once you’ve identified the niche that you’re going into is to invite all of those prospects into this show that you’re doing to spotlight the work in that area. So, it’s a great tool to meet the people you got to meet. Plus, you’re creating thought leadership around the subject matter that’s important to all of your best clients, and you’re putting yourself as a hub in that world.
Lee Kantor: [00:00:54] So, I think from a standpoint of solving the sales problem to get in front of the people that are the potential buyers of your service, that’s valuable. And number two is creating all of the web content, and social proof, and the thought leadership that you need to establish yourself as an expert in the space, you’re solving the marketing problem. So, to me, you’re solving a bunch of problems. And the startup who has limited funds, limited resource, and limited time, it’s a very efficient way of solving those problems.
Lee Kantor: [00:01:24] Well, it’s such a marvelous mechanism for building genuine relationships with people who get an opportunity to really understand your business, and how you’re serving the marketplace, and get it done fast. So, any startup in any market, I believe, and I know you do too as well, should be leveraging this platform, if for no other reason, just to build those relationships because one single relationship, properly timed, properly informed can be an absolute game changer for a startup.